about us
The Sprawl Watch Clearinghouse mission is to make the tools, techniques, and strategies developed to manage growth, accessible to citizens, grassroots organizations, environmentalists, public officials, planners, architects, the media and business leaders.  At the Clearinghouse we identify, collect, compile, and disseminate information on the best land use practices, for those listed above. 

The Sprawl Watch Clearinghouse was launched in 1998. Sprawl Watch receives funding from the Turner Foundation, Inc., The David & Lucile Packard Foundation, Surdna Foundation, Inc., The George Gund Foundation, The Henry  M. Jackson Foundation, The Educational Foundation of  America and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

Sprawl Watch Clearinghouse Staff 

Allison Smiley, Executive Director 
Todd Main, Consultant
Katie Bennett, Intern

Advisory Board

David Bollier 
Independent Journalist and Consultant 

Lee Epstein 
Chesapeake Bay Foundation 

Betsy Garside
American Farmland Trust

Bruce Katz 
Brookings Institution Center on Urban and
Metropolitan Policy 

Gary Kozel
National Trust for Historic Preservation

Deron Lovaas
Natural Resources Defense Council

Rich McClintock 
Livable Communities Support Center 

Arlie Schardt 
Environmental Media Services