Population: 1,193,001
Counties: 4
Governor Benjamin Cayetano

Click here for the amount of protected land in Hawaii, and click here to review Hawaii's federal transportation spending.
Source:  Pew Center on the States & Changing Direction:  Federal Transportation Spending in the 1990s. Surface Transportation Policy Project

For a summary of Hawaii's planning and zoning statutes, see the excellent report provided by the American Planning Association.

A joint legislative Committee consisting of five members from each house was established in 1997 to examine the state's land-use planning laws and recommend improvements.  The four major problems identified in the joint resolution are: 1) too much effort spent on regulation and not enough on effective planning; 2) confusion about the State's agricultural district, especially about where housing should be located; 3) lack of coordination between State and County Planning; and 4) too small a role for the public in long-range planning.1  In January 1998 a bill was introduced to overhaul the State's Planning Laws.2 The legislation, drafted by the Hawaii Chapter of the American Planning Association, (APA) relies heavily on the research and "best practices" developed through the APA's Growing Smart Project.3  This proposal is one of many offered by the Economic Revitalization Task Force.  Although no one initiative has yet gained enough support, there is speculation that reform may be on the horizon in 1999.

The above material is excerpted with permission from "Smart Growth at Century's End: The State of the States" by Patricia E. Salkin, published in The Urban Lawyer, Sumr 1999 v 31 n 3, p. 601.  For a complete copy of the article, please contact The Urban Lawyer.

Hawaii's Thousand Friends
305 Hahani Street, #282
Kailuah, HI 96734
Tel: 800-262-0682 


1 The Governor is the recipient of the Amercian Planning Association's 1999 National Award for Distinguished Leadership for an Elected Official. 
2 H.B. 322/ S.B. 3150
3 James Lawlor, "From the States" Planning p.40 (March 1998).